Cup of Sugar
Image caption: Title image for Cup of Sugar features a drawing by PASC artist Keisha Miller and typeface by Signal-Return
Participating artists: Lynne Avadenka, Emilee Bergum, Sherri Bryant, TomMarla Day, Chantell Donwell, Santina Dionisi, Ronald Griggs, Joel Grothaus, Benjamin Haddix, Carol Harris, Chloé Hajjar, Elaisha Hilliard, Lauren Hurst, Shawn Jackson, Taylor Jenkins, Dominick Lemonious, Hannah Lilly, Anthony Marcellini, Charles McGee, Keisha Miller, Amber Nax, Renata Palubinskas, Pat Perry, Suzy Poling, Rashaun Rucker, Thomas Saunders, Tylon Sawyer, Kevin Shureb, Todd Stevens, Aaron Taylor, Jeremy Taylor, Kristi Ternes, Sue Carman Vian, Renee Willoughby, and Eleni Zaharopoulos.
Exhibition Dates: September 26 - November 2, 2024
Location: PASC (STE 2) and Signal-Return (STE 1)
9301 Kercheval Ave, Detroit, MI, 48214
PASC Gallery Hours: Th, Fr & Sa, 12 – 5 pm and by appointment
Signal-Return Gallery Hours: Th-Su 10 – 4 pm
Curated by Lynne Avadenka, former director of S-R and Joel Grothaus, Studio Manager of Signal-Return; alongside Anthony Marcellini, Founder and Manager of PASC
PASC’s next exhibition is a a group show with artists and staff from PASC and our neighbors Signal-Return a non-profit dedicated to preserving and teaching traditional letterpress printing, and building a community center for art, craft, design and collaboration. This show is about the people who work, represent, support and create in both these non-profit art incubators. This show will present artists with and without diagnosed disabilities alongside to each other and will span across both organizations galleries.
This exhibition is also a prelude to a print project Signal-Return has initiated with PASC artists Sherri Bryant, Chantell Donwell, Ronald Griggs, Shawn Jackson, Keisha Miller, Thomas Saunders, Aaron Taylor, and Jeremy Taylor, to premier later in the Fall of 2024. More info on this project forthcoming.
This exhibition is being presented as part of the Detroit Month of Design.
PASC (Progressive Art Studio Collective) was launched in January 2021 as the first progressive art and design studio, and exhibition program, in Detroit and Wayne County, dedicated to supporting artists with developmental disabilities and mental health differences to advance independent artistic practices and build individual career paths in the art and design fields. Our exhibitions program is supported with grants from the Michigan Arts and Cultural Council, Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Signal-Return is a Detroit nonprofit dedicated to preserving and teaching traditional letterpress printing, and building a community center for art, craft, design and collaboration. For more information visit
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